≤30mg/L,COD≤100mg/L,SS≤30mg/L,氨氮≤25mg/L,总磷≤3mg/L。 经过了仔细考虑和分析后,本设计方案决定使用三沟式氧化沟。
According to the design assignment of the College of environmental engineering, Xuzhou Institute of technology, I designed the sewage treatment plant in which the sewage treatment capacity is 200000t/d. The quality of water is
=170mg/L, COD=360mg/L, SS=240mg/L, Ammonia nitrogen=32mg/L, TP=4.5mg/L. After a careful consideration and analysis, I decided to design the program which the sewage treatment plant made by triple oxidation ditch.
Triple oxidation ditch has a better ability of sewage purification, After the comparison and calculation, I found the removal rate of COD, BOD, SS and nitrogen was 72.2%, 82.4% and 87.5%. After along the grill, the sewage will pass the pipe through the sand pool to the main structure of the triple oxidation ditch process. After the treatment, the sewage is discharged through the contact pool, and then the BOD, COD, SS, and TP will meet the requirements of the sewage treatment plant in the design
. The sludge was compressed and dehydrated and flowed out. The design needs a detailed calculation of the structure size, head loss, and the calculation of sewage pipes for each structure. Finally, according to the local topography and
, layout and
the overall layout of the sewage treatment plant.
Finally, the sewage which has been treated will down to the river, it can also supply to the agricultural irrigation., which will also release the crisis of water consumption.
Keywords: sewage triple Oxidation Ditch biological treatment nitrogen and phosphorus removal
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