发布时间:2020-10-06  浏览量:5878
行业分类 毕业设计 日期 2020-10-06
大小 2.77M 类型 zip文档







专    业


班    级


学    号














3000t/d tanning wastewater treatment process design


Abstract: The main content of this design is the design of tannery wastewater treatment process. As we all know, the quality of tannery wastewater is complicated, and it contains a lot of dyes, grease, sulfides, suspended solids, organic pollution, etc. causing serious pollution. Design content includes: design water quality 3000t/d; CODCr= 1500~3000mg/L; BOD5=800~1200mg/L; SS=700~1000mg/L; pH=6~9; color 200~400 times; Ammonia ni -trogen=100~200mg/L; Cr3+1000mg/L; S2-=50~100mg/L. According to the requirements of the relevant departments and the current environmental conditions, the quality of the effluent designed by the tanning wastewater and sewage treatment plant shall comply with the national first-grade standard for Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) and the Sewage and Pollutant Emission Standard for Leather and Fur Addition Industry (GB30486-2013) stricter standards in the industry standards, specific standards are as follows: CODCr=100mg/L; BOD5=30mg/L; SS=70mg/L; Ammonia nitrogen=15mg/L; S2-=1.0mg/L; pH=6~9; Cr3+=1.5mg/L; color 50 times.

The graduation project designed the treatment of tannery wastewater, including the design of structures and main treatment processes, the selection of processing equipment, the layout analysis of the plant site, and the economic analysis of the project. First, the wastewater is pretreated, chromium ions are removed, and the coarse and fine grids are sieved and then subjected to radial flow sedimentation tanks, aerated conditioning tanks, coagulation sedimentation tanks, oxidation ditch processes, vertical secondary sedimenta -tion tanks, and sludges. The layers of the various structures such as the thickening pond are treated so that the quality of the effluent can be fully discharged and discharged. The main process adopts the coagulation and sedimentation + oxidation ditch process, which has a higher removal rate of impurities such as SS, CODCr, BOD5, and chroma. The final treated effluent water quality can meet the national first-class standards and the stricter standards in the industry standards.

After a detailed engineering economic analysis of this graduation project, it is estimated that the total investment is about 6.651 million yuan, and the cost of wastewater treatment is 0.741 yuan/ton, which is lower than the similar kind of cost and has a better effect.


Key words: Tannery wastewaterSewage treatmentCoagulation precipitationOxidation ditch




第一章  文献综述 1

1.1 研究的背景及目的 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的 1

1.2 当下制革工艺及废水的特性 1

1.2.1 制革工艺的流程 1

1.2.2 制革废水的来源 2

1.2.3 制革废水水质特性 2

1.3 国内外制革废水处理技术现状 3

1.3.1 废水成分各项处理 3

1.3.2 综合废水处理 5

1.4 课题的研究内容 6

1.4.1 本课题的内容 6

1.4.2 研究本课题的意义 6

1.4.3 本设计的相关要求及数据 6

第二章  工程概况 8

2.1 制革废水处理厂概况 8

2.2 制革废水进水水质 8

2.3 制革废水处理设计水量 8

2.4 设计总体原则 8

2.4.1 确定污废水处理方案原则 9

2.4.2 可行方案所体现的优点 9

第三章  工艺流程确定 10

3.1 制革废水概况 10

3.2 工艺流程的比较及确定 10

3.2.1 设计原则 10

3.2.2 处理工艺 10

3.3 工艺方案的选择 11

3.3.1 物化处理 12

3.3.2 生物处理 12

3.4 达标分析 13

第四章 构筑物设计计算 14

4.1 制革废水中铬的预处理 14

4.2 制革废水处理 14

4.2.1 废水进水渠道设计 14

4.2.2 格栅设计 15

4.2.3 初沉池 19

4.2.4 曝气调节池 22

4.2.5 混凝沉淀池 25

4.2.6 氧化沟工艺 29

4.2.7 二沉池 34

4.2.8 污泥浓缩池设计 37

4.2.9 各构筑物对制革废水的处理效率 40

第五章 总平面布置 41

5.1 总平面布置 41

5.2 平面布置原则 41

5.3 工程布局 41

第六章 高程计算 42

6.1 高程设计原则 42

6.2 高程布置结果 42

第七章 工程概算 47

7.1 工程预算 47

7.1.1 采用的构筑物列表 47

7.1.2 主要设备及管道清单 47

7.2 建设成本 48

7.2.1 建筑和设备费用 48

7.2.2 管材费用 49

7.3 运行成本 49

7.4 其他费用 49

7.5 总费用<