发布时间:2020-10-06  浏览量:2950
行业分类 毕业设计 日期 2020-10-06
大小 2.58M 类型 zip文档








专业班级 市政与环境工程系 给水排水工程10-2


                     职称      教授        









The topic of this design for PLB city in Liaoning province city sewage treatment plant design. The main task is to design construction plans to complete the preliminary design layout, all the sewage treatment plant construction and some processing architecture.

Preliminary design must complete the design instruction booklet, factory layout of a sewage treatment plant, the process plan of a sewage pumping station, process chart, the sewage treatment process and the sludge treatment process elevation layout a map as well as the main treatment structures design four sewage treatment; in the design of the main building design in the main, is completed the design of aeration tank, primary sedimentation tank, concentrated pool.

The sewage treatment plant project, size is 11.1 cubic meters/day. Feed water quality for SS = 290 mg/L; BOD5 = 220 mg/L. Water quality: SS=290mg/L; BOD5=220mg/L.

This design choice of traditional activated sludge treatment process can satisfy the sewage water, water quality and changes, and the requirement of effluent quality and sludge treatment. The wastewater treatment plant sewage treatment process: the sewage from the coarse grid to the sewage pumping station, and then from the pumping station to the grid, and then to the aerated grit tank, then enters the radial flow settling tank, then to the aeration tank, the aeration tank to the radial flow two sedimentation tank, sewage after. Touch pool disinfection discharged into natural water; sludge treatment process for: waste disposal of Sinatra’s aerated grit tank, sludge produced two sedimentation tank is transported into the mud storage tank, sludge return two sedimentation tank, sludge reflux pump through the pipeline into the sludge thickening tank, through a level, two level after digestion sludge into sludge dewatering workshop, finally outward processing. The effluent treatment plant treated sewage is: SS = 20mg/L; BOD5 = 20mg/L.

Key wordsConventional activated sludge treatment process; sewage treatment; sludge treatment


第一章 设计任务及概况 1

1.1 前言 1

1.2 设计任务及依据 2

1.2.1 设计任务 2

1.2.2 设计依据及原则 2

1.2.3设计范围 2

1.3设计水量及水质 2

1.3.1设计水量 2

1.3.2设计水质 2

1.4设计人口 3

第二章 工艺设计方案的确定 4

2.1方案确定的原则 4

2.2污水处理工艺流程的确定 4

2.2.1地质及地形资料 4

2.2.2气象及水文资料 4

2.2.3可行性方案的确定 4

2.2.4工艺流程方案的确定 5

2.2.5污泥处理工艺流程 6

2.3主要构筑物的选择 7

2.3.1格栅 7

2.3.2泵房 7

2.3.3沉砂池 7

2.3.4初沉池、二沉池 8

2.3.5曝气池 8

2.3.6接触池 9

2.3.7计量槽 9

2.3.8浓缩池 9

2.3.9消化池 10

2.3.10污泥脱水 10

第三章 污水处理系统工艺设计 11

3.1格栅的计算 11

3.1.1粗格栅 11

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