发布时间:2020-10-17  浏览量:2834
行业分类 毕业设计 日期 2020-10-17
大小 4.74M 类型 zip文档










根据城市管网供水的需要,计算得新水厂近期供水规模为5m3/d,远期为10m3/d。为保证出水水质,所以新水厂处理工艺采用常规处理+深度处理(臭氧-生物活性炭),增加深度处理后,能使出厂水水质明显提高。工程建设总投资为 9373.65万元,单位制水成本为0.85/















As an ancient and beautiful city, X1 city is located in the west of Hunan. On the middle reaches of Xu River, the city has a planning population of 120,000 which, in long term, will be expanded to 200,000. There has already been a 30,000 m3/d waterworks in the downtown area. With the development of economy and the increasing demand of water, its current water supplying capacity can not meet the requirement of regular production and people’s daily life. According to the city’s comprehensive planning, it is proposed that a new waterworks should be constructed on the upper reaches of Xu River. When it is completed, the new waterworks will be joined by the old one to supply water to the pipe network, thus making a state of unified water supply.

This design mainly covers four parts which are: the water intake works, the purification plant, the tubeweb system of carrying and providing water, and the budgetary estimation of the design.

According to the demand of the pipe network, it is calculated that the short-term water supply scale of the new waterworks is 50,000m3/d and the long-term one is 100,000m3/d. The water treatment process of the  new water treatment plant introduces  both the  conventional treatment and the advanced treatment so as to remove the hazardous substances; Adding advanced treatment, the quality of  the  effluence will be improved obviously.

The total investment of the design is 93,736,500Yuan and the cost analysis per unit is 0.85Yuan /m3.

Key words water intake works purification plantroutinely processingV-shaped filter chamberwater distribution network budgetary estimation








1 设计原始资料及设计任务 1

1.1 原始资料 1

1.1.1 自然条件 1

1.1.2 城市概况及供水现状 1

1.1.3 供水规划 2

1.2 设计目的和要求 2

1.2.1 设计目的 2

1.2.2 设计要求 3

1.3 设计范围 3

1.4 设计依 4

2 设计水量计算 5

2.1 近远期规划设计用水量计算 5

2.1.1 最高日用量计算 5

2.1.2 最高日最高用水量计算 7

2.1.3 设计流量的确定 7

3 输配水工艺计算 9

3.1管材的选择 9

3.2流量计算 10

3.2.1比流量计算 10

3.2.2 沿线流量计算 11

3.2.3 节点流量计算 12

3.3初始流量分配 13

3.4管径的确定 14

3.5管网水力计算 16

3.5.1最高用水时管网平差 16

3.5.2消防时校核 22

3.5.3事故时校核 27

3.6 方案技术经济计算 33

4净水厂工设计计算 34

4.1 给水厂处理规模及工艺流程方案 34

4.1.1 给水处理厂的设计规模 34

4.1.2 工艺流程的选择 34

4.2水处理构筑物计算 35

4.2.1 配水井计计算 35

4.2.2混合工艺设计计算 36

4.2.3投药工艺及投药间的设计计算 38

4.2.4反应(絮凝)工艺设计计算 40折板絮凝池的设计计算 40栅条絮凝池设计计算 48

4.2.5 沉淀工艺设计计算 55

4.2.6 过滤工艺设计计算 59 V型滤池的设计计算 59 虹吸滤池设计 78

4.2.7 臭氧化处理设 85

4.2.8 生物活性炭滤池设计 93

4.2.9方案技术经济计算 98 絮凝池供选方案技术经济比较计算 99 滤池供选案技术经济比较计算 99 推荐方案的提出 101

4.2.10 清水设计 102

4.2.11 加氯工艺及加氯间设计计算 104

4.2.12新水厂送水泵选配及二级泵站工艺布置 106 送水水泵选配 106 二级泵站工艺布置设计计算 107

4.3水厂排水处理设计 120

4.3.1 处理流程的确定 120

4.3.2 排泥水处理构筑物的设计计算 121

4.3.3 排泥水处理构筑物设计计算 124

4.4净水厂辅助设计 127

4.4.1 净水厂辅助建筑物 127