V 型滤池由法国德利满公司在20 世纪70 年代发展的一种重力式快滤池,适用于大、中型水厂,现在V型滤池在中国的使用广泛。其属于等水位等速过滤;采用均质滤料,滤层厚度比普通快滤池厚,截污量也比普通快滤池大,故滤速较高,过滤周期长,出水效果好;冲洗采用空气、水反冲洗和表面扫洗,提高了冲洗效果并节约冲洗用水。本设计设滤池两座,每座滤池中滤池个数N=8,布置成对称双行排列,每个滤池分左右两格,每格宽3.5m,长10.0m,实际每个滤池过滤面积70.0m2。
本设计设置四座矩形钢筋混凝土清水池。根据管网计算得出清水池的调节容积为处理水量的12.07%,即为24480m3。清水池总容积为37580 m3。单座清水池体积为37580÷4=9395 m3,设清水池有效水深4.40m,则单格清水池占地面积为2136 m2,尺寸设为B×L=39.6m×54m,则实际面积为2139 m2,实际水深为4.40m。
二级泵房前设5.8m×41.8m 的吸水井一座,泵房土建一次建成。本设计用水量时变化系数为1.27。B市的给水管网采用并联分压式给水管网系统,所以二级泵房有高压泵五台,四用一备;低压泵三台,两用一备。每台高压泵流量为630.66L/s,扬程为69.82m,用水高峰期全部开启,用水低峰期可以减少开启的台数来进行调节;每台低压泵流量为229.34L/s,扬程为52.44m。
Graduation Design of City B’s Water Supply Project
Water & Wastewater Engineering Chunfang Wang Teacher Shuili Yu
【General Information Design】 According to the survey with the water supply status of city B, we grasp the city’s population, topography and distribution of industrial enterprises. According to the local terrain and climate conditions, we select a river in the north of city B flowing from west to east as the water sources. By analyzing the raw water quality and combining with other water plants’ water purification process, we choose the best water purification forms and structures and choose the best solution as the water supply network of city B.
(1)background of the design
As a second-class city , city B is divided into three zones. Zone one has a population of 100,000 and the average floor height is 6 layers; Zone two has a population of 350,000 and the average floor height is 7 layers; Zone three has a population of 200,000 and the average floor height is 8 layers. City B has two companies, one is chemical plant and another is a TV factory. The daily output of the chemical plant is 20,000 tons and the TV factory is 2000 units .
The largest flow of the source water is 10,000 m3/s and the minimum flow of the river is 6,000 m3/s. The maximum flow rate is 8 m/s,. The highest level (1%) is 297.00m. The average level of the river is 292.00m and the lowest level is 282.00m.
(2)Introduction of the water treatment process
Taking the experience of other water plants and water condition into consideration, the typical water treatment process –coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection-can purify the row water to the Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water Quality. The raw water is pumped by first-stage pump house to the folded plate flocculator. The flocculator can form the flocs. We select the advection sedimentation tanks and V-shaped filter to purify the water.
(3)The expected results
We carried out a detailed investigation of raw water quality before the design. So we can purify the row water to the Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water Quality.
【Keywords】 conventional water treatment processes; folded plate flocculator; advection sedimentation tanks; V-shaped Filtration; Disinfection with Chlorine
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