发布时间:2020-10-17  浏览量:2621
行业分类 毕业设计 日期 2020-10-17
大小 0M 类型 文档







该市自来水公司现有五个水厂,总供水能力达到10.5m3/d,加上部分工业自备水8m3 /d,城市供水总能力达到18.5m3/d。尽管如此,该市供水事业仍存在诸多问题,如工艺落后;五座水厂运行时间均在十五年以上,事故隐患多;水安全性难以保证;配水管网有待优化;城市供水普及率低等问题。




V型滤池也是由法国得利满公司开发的一种重力式快滤池,通过出水阀门的不断调节可保证滤池的恒水位等速过滤。V型滤池采用均粒石英砂滤料,滤层厚度大、滤速高、过滤周期长、出水水质好。同时,V型滤池反冲洗采用气冲、水冲及表面扫洗,滤层保持微膨胀状态,提高了反冲效果。本设计近期采用8座双格滤池,反冲洗泵房和鼓风机泵房与滤池合建。滤速采用8m/h,过滤周期为24h,单格滤池面积为35m2,滤池高度为4.25m。反冲洗过程分为气冲、气水冲、水冲三个阶段,每个阶段持续时间为4min。气冲强度为16L/(s·m2),气水同冲时水冲强度为4 L/(s·m2),单水冲时水冲强度为5 L/(s·m2),表面扫洗强度为1.8 L/(s·m2),持续时间为8min





20×104 m3/d Water Works Process Design

Water & Wastewater Engineering   Huang Ling

Teacher   Deng Huiping

General Specification】X city is located on the middle reaches of Fu River, eastern centre of Jiangxi Province. Nangan highway going through the city together with the Xiangle railway running from the north to the south forms a convenient transportation system. The centre town is the political, economy, culture and technology center of X city, which includes Wenchang Bridge District, Wubei Town, Hongqiao Town. X city lies in the transforming area from Ganfu Plain to Wuyi Mountain area and has a landform of long north-south border line and narrow line west-east. X city rarely has earthquakes and enjoys a mild climate and a sufficient sunlight.

Presently, there are five waterworks in X city, which have a total water supply of 105,000 cubic meters per day. Along with the industrial water reserve of 80,000 cubic meters per day, the capability of water supply in X city reaches 185,000 cubic meters per day. However, there remain a lot of problems in the water supply system. For example, the techniques are out of time; all the present waterworks have ran for over fifteen years, which means a high risk of accident; no guarantee is available for water safety; water distributing systems need to be optimized; the popularity rate of water supply is low; etc.

In order to meet the requirements of economic development, ameliorate the current situation of the water use, as well as enhance the safety of water supply and scale-up the water supply capability, this project is meant for expansion of the former Nanqu Water Works. This project has a water supply ability of 20,000 cubic meters per day and is planned to be built in two stages. This new water works collects raw water from Fu River, which meets the second grade standard of drinking water resource. Only conventional treatments are able to produce qualified drinking water. After comparing several plans, this new water works employs the shore type water collection structure for collecting water and Densadeg plus V-type filter as the main treatment process. Chlorine is used for disinfection.

As the water level doesn’t change much and with good water quality near the bank and good geological conditions, it is advantageous to employ the shore type water collection structure. In order to decrease the footprint of the pump station and shorten the length of suction pipe, intake structure is built in combination with the pump station. In consideration of the land limitation, Densadeg (developed by Degremont Company), is employed to substitute the conventional folded plate coagulation tank and rectangular sedimentation tank. As a result, the ratio of occupied area to treated water quality is only 0.15m3/(m2·d), which is quite low compared with other waterworks. Because Densadeg is only employed by two water works domestically, the key parameters of this project are much based on former operating experience. Densadeg is composed of reactor zone, presettling/thickening zone and clarification zone. Part of the sludge is reused for coagulation. V-type filter is also developed by Degremont Company. The advantages of this type of filter are as followings: high thickness of filter layer; high filtration rate; long filtration period; satisfactory effluent quality; etc. Moreover, air backflushing and surface sweep washing used in the backwashing process keep the filtration layer in slight expansion state, which improves the flushing effect. In this project, chlorine is added in the pipe connecting the V-type filtration and clean water tank.

This new water works covers an area of about 30,000 square meters and has a green ratio of approximate 36%.

KeywordsRaw water pump stationDensadegV-type filterDisinfectionBack flush












1 设计任务及设计资料 7

1.1 设计任务及要求 7

1.2 设计资料 7

1.2.1 背景资料 7

1.2.2 供水现状及问题 8

1.2.3 扩建水厂概况 9

1.3 设计依据 9

2 设计说明 10

2.1 扩建水厂概况 10

2.2 设计方案 10

2.2.1 取水泵房 10

2.2.2混凝沉淀 10

2.2.3过滤 12

2.2.4消毒 13

2.2.5处理工艺流程 13

2.3 构筑物设计说明 14

2.3.1 取水泵房 14

2.3.2 高密度澄清池 14

2.3.3 V型滤池 15

2.3.4 清水池 17

2.3.7 调节池 18

2.3.8 加药间 18

2.3.8 二级泵站吸水井 18

2.3.8 二级泵房 18

3 设计计算 19

3.1 取级泵房 19

3.1.1 已知条件 19

3.1.2 进水间计算 20

3.1.3 吸水间计算 20

3.1.4 水泵选用 23

3.1.5 其他装置 27

3.2 高密度澄清池设计计算 28

3.2.1 设计基础资料 28

3.2.2 高密度澄清池设计 29

3.2.3 集水槽设计 31

3.2.4 污泥系统 32

3.2.5 加药系统 33

3.3 V型滤池 33

3.3.1 V型滤池简介 33

3.3.2 设计计算参数 33

3.3.3 滤池平面尺寸 34

3.3.4滤池高度的确定 34

3.3.5 进水渠的计算 34

3.3.6 水反冲的相关计算 36

3.3.7 气反冲的相关计算 36

3.3.8 反冲洗管渠系统 36

3.3.9 V型槽设计 39

3.3.10排水集水槽的相关计算 40

3.3.11 出水系统 41

3.3.12 管廊布置 42

3.3.13 冲洗水泵计算 42

3.4.14 鼓风机房 44

3.4 清水池计算 46

3.4.1 清水池设计水量